New Zealand’s rising regional business star

Successful enterprises and entrepreneurs have always found a home in Taranaki. From the creation of New Zealand dairy exports, to the evolving mix of sectors invigorating the region’s growth today. An increasingly dynamic place to do business. Things are humming here, literally. 

We're very enterprise friendly

With both eyes on the future, we’re wrapping practical support around our businesspeople, entrepreneurs and investors. Helping bring their ideas to life, locally, nationally and overseas. All the elements are here. A supportive regulatory environment. Good online access. Future-focused infrastructure (including a new airport and highway upgrades). A highly skilled workforce. Population base. And our unique mountain to surf lifestyle.  Click the link to find out more about Taranaki's enterprise and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Why invest in Taranaki?

Why is there so much buzz about investing in Taranaki? There are so many opportunities here, for sustainable growth and development. Investors big and small are turning their eyes to Taranaki. Find out why you should too.

GDP per capita

Taranaki has the fourth highest GDP per capita in New Zealand.

Taranaki's total GDP was $10,241 Million by the year ended March 2023 (Provisional). GDP per capita in Taranaki is still significantly higher than the national average of $75,311.

Source: Stats NZ, March 2024

Taranaki GDP per capita

$80,072 Year ended March 2023, provisional

NZ average GDP per capita

$75,311 Year ended March 2023, provisional

Transforming to a sustainable future

At the cutting edge of energy, engineering, and food for decadeswe’re putting our expertisefresh thinking and can-do attitude into creating a high-value, low-emissions regional economy built on inclusivity and sustainability.

We’re leading the transformation of New Zealand’s low-emissions future, including game-changing work with hydrogen fuel and offshore windSetting the international benchmark for stainless-steel fabrication. Home to a thriving boutique food and beverage sector - native superfoodsworld-beating cheeses, export artisanal bread, and premium gin are just a few examples. We’re exporting value-added timber products. And we’re the base for an increasing number of successful software companies, run by young entrepreneurs who find inspiration biking to work on our coastal walkways. The list goes on … 

Raising Capital

Is your enterprise investment-ready? Is private investment the right pathway to help you get to the next level? Explore resources for raising capital for your business.

Ready to invest, or want to find out more?

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